Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Bellevue , WA
Completed September 2023
1166 sf
Walefins Construction
Vivian Hsu
Trophy was founded in 2007 by dessert-lover Jennifer Shea and her husband Mike Williamson. Jennifer is a life-long baker and party-maker, winning accolades as early as age eight, in the form of 4-H blue ribbons for her grandma’s pumpkin roll. Her passion for perfecting dreamy, decadent desserts has made Trophy Seattle’s favorite boutique cupcake bakery. This is Trophy’s 4th location and continues to utilize the bold branding and fun colorful patterns.
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu