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The uddadu (University District Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit) is currently under construction!
At the rear of a single family home, uddadu was conceived as student housing. Facing the alley, it has its own entrance and patio adjacent to all the lower level communal spaces. Upstairs, a series of moveable plywood cabinets and bed platforms can be configured to house up to 3 people with bedroom nooks that are all open to the lofted ceilings above. Skylights and generous windows allow for natural light, but maintain privacy from the existing house. The patio acts as an extension of the main living areas, creating a generous and comfortable hang out space.
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The ground floor is communal, complete with kitchen, small laundry room, powder room, living and dining areas, and a connection through sliding doors to an exterior patio.
The upper floor has a shared bath, and space for up to 3 people. The lofted ceilings above house skylights that let in natural light, and plywood platforms and cabinetry divide the space into sleeping nooks. Each nook has a bed platform (with storage below) and large cabinets for closet storage, as well as shelves.
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